Monday, March 27, 2006

Illustration Friday: Monster

I’m going to take this Illustration Friday topic as an opportunity to debut a feature I was talking about in a previous post.
Hence, it shall be known as... MYTHIC MONDAY!
I’m in the process of re-imagining heros, beasts, artifacts and etc. from mythology (all sources of myth, not just the big-’uns). I’ll try to post new sketchbook pages of the work-in-progress here on Mondays. The sketches may not always be linked to Illustration Friday topics, but they will be when applicable, for the sake of my own sanity.
Who knows, we all just might learn something...

Jörmungandr, the World Serpent- In Norse Mythology this is a venomous sea-serpent so large it actually encircles the earth and is able to grasp it’s own tail. In the apocalyptic battle of Ragnarök, (the battle at the end of the world between the gods and their enemies) Jörmungandr and Thor are destined to destroy each other.

How’s that for a bed-time story?


Heartful said...

Your detail is incredible, fantastic drawing.

Lou said...

Love the detail in this. Dinosaurs are awesome and this drawing doesn't disappoint the fans out there. Great job!

JO said...

Great drawing. Equally great blog.

Ellen said...

Great, now the bad dreams will start! LOL! GREAT drawing!